Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Connor does an endo

Little Connor is becoming increasingly ambitious with respect to interacting with the world, especially as relates to Jamie's toys. He can't quite crawl yet and has faced some obstacles in getting there. One big problem, literally, is that at presenthis head weighs about as much as the rest of his body, if not more. This makes going from a sitting position to a crawling one difficult, because as he leans over there seems to be some threshold at which point gravity takes over and pulls his big head to the ground, which it hits with an audible thud (We make sure to keep him sitting on the rug). For a pretty good idea of what this looks like, refer to the scene in The Godfather, Part II, where they put baby Sonny on the stolen rug and over he goes.

This maneuver we've come to call an "endo" after the mountain biking term for going over the handlebars of the bike. It has become something of a spectator sport for Jamie who, when we may be a few feet away in the kitchen, enjoys proclaiming loudly "Conno' did a endooohh!" Sweet Connor is so mild-tempered, he usually doesn't even cry. One comes over to find him with one cheek mushed to the floor and his arms stuck under him, quietly looking around with the one eye that's pointed upward for somebody to come pick him up.

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