Thursday, July 10, 2008

A well-spoken almost 2 year-old

We have long marveled at Connor's ability to express himself verbally, or at least orally. He never really took to sign language like Jamie did as a baby, because very early on Connor seemed to be able to give voice to his feelings and needs. As he approaches two, we are still amazed at this. Connor does not like not knowing a word and is very curious about learning the names of the things in his world. While reading a book he will often point now and say "Was dat?" and the repeat the answer many times, until he gets it. Last night, after books, I put him in the crib and started to walk away and he sat up and said "Daddy, banky?" Seems he wanted me to tuck him in under his blanket, something Jamie NEVER let us do.

This was actually unusual in a way because more and more he also tends to speak in sentences rather than in 1 or 2 words utterances, which is very funny to hear. Connor really likes to roar and has been doing it a lot because Jamie has a little kids version of the The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, which we often read together. Connor just roars away at every picture of Aslan, but when Jamie did the same yesterday Connor, no doubt tired of Jamie's constant policing, said, "No, Ja-yee, don' roar!!" Jamie was a little taken aback.

He also walked up to Sarah with a plastic sword of Jamie's and tapped Sarah on the arm with it and said "Hit Mama!" and then had a good laugh. Sword people nicely we told him. He laughed again, a little maniacally.

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