Saturday, July 5, 2008

Remind me again why we are doing this?

Connor is a wonderful mimic. His ability to recreate sounds on hearing has been noted before and continues to grow. He can recite entire books from memory now and can count to at least 13. He likes to do this before jumping, about which he is quite fearless. It makes things a little intense sometimes because he will starting counting and then sometimes at 3, sometimes 8, sometimes 13 will suddenly launch himself off whatever edge he is standing on.

Very much of this comes from watching Jamie, of course, and he will imitate any behavior, activity or language of Jamie's. What's funny is that it's clear a large portion of the time that he doesn't really know WHY they're doing it, but just that this is what they do. At dinner recently Jamie began playing a peek-a-boo game in which he chewed a hole out of a piece of cheese and peered through with one eye (never mind the table manners issue here for the moment). Connor was pleased by this so, he picked up a grape, stuck it in his eye and started saying "PEE-A-BOOOO!"

Then there is the exciting game "Heroes". This is a Jamie invention, of course, and starts with him wearing his Spiderman costume. I get to be the bad guy of course (Mommy gets to be Mary Jane - go figure), and it seems that bad guys in this house try to steal couch pillows. So I abscond with the pillows and Spiderman comes after me, first taking back the stolen goods then slinging webs and hauling me back to jail. Connor saw this once and then as soon as I started walking away with the pillows came running after me, chubby cheeks jiggling away, and grabbed a pillow and took it back to the couch. Batman has Robin and this Spiderman has Connor, whom we've started referring to as "Little Blond Sidekick."

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