Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Identity issues

So Jamie was clearly in a thoughtful mood after school yesterday. I took them to get ice cream to celebrate the first day of school. Out of nowhere, he began talking about our jobs. Then he said, "Dad, you remember how you once said maybe you would get a pickup truck? [it was just a passing moment of post-tenure imagining] It would be strange if you went to Rice in a pickup truck, especially if it was purple [my favorite color he knows]." Connor agreed. Then he went on, "I mean, no offense, but you're not the biggest guy in the world. All the other coaches at Westbury Little League, Coach Steven, Coach Darrell, Coach Jim, they're all much bigger than you and drive trucks, so it kind of makes sense. I think you would look funny getting out of a big truck." A big truck goes by and Connor says "Yeah like that one!" Jamie laughed and agreed. So there it is, no truck for little Daddy.

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