Monday, May 13, 2013

Sweet big brother

So Connor got sick this weekend. It was strange, we were at baseball (that part is very not strange) and Jamie had an early game, Connor a later one), when in seemingly a moment he got a fever and felt terrible. So he came home and slept for an hour and had some Tylenol and felt well enough to go to the pool for a bit. But it was clear he wasn't himself and by the time we came home it was clear he was still not well. So we decided to cozy up the couch and watch a movie for a bit. Jamie, without any prompting asked Connor if he wanted his pillow and blanket and went to get them and set everything up for the bunny to get comfy.

Turns out it was strep throat, so while antibiotics have him feeling much better already, he had to stay at home today per school rules. Ideal really, get to stay home but feel healthy. This was cruel for Jamie who had to deal with the usual case of the Mondays while watching a chipper Connor stay home. But he didn't hold it against him. When Sarah picked him up the first thing he asked was how Connor was. Then she asked him how his day was and he said "Lonely. I missed Connor. When I went to lunch I thought 'Ooo, I can see Connor. But then I realized he wasn't there."

Not saying he does it all the time, but he can be a sweet brother.

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