This is a big topic these days. The boys are almost always angling for to be able to have some form of sleepover. The most common one is for me to sleep in a mattress in their room. This can be very cozy and I love that they want me to do this. I've gotten relatively used to the loud breathing/snoring that emanates from them all night. The only harsh thing about it is that Jamie wakes me up by jumping from his top bunk bed almost on top of me. Then he snuggles for a tantalizing moment during which time I imagine going back to sleep, before he unceremoniously gets up and not only leaves, but drags the blanket right off of me, so he can sit under it and read in the living room.
For his part Connor has been especially into sleeping with Mommy recently. A couple of nights ago he asked if he could sleep in her bed. Well, she said, where would Daddy sleep? He smiled brightly and said, "I'll show you," and escorted her out of the bedroom, into the guest room. He happily pointed and the futon and said "There!" matter-of-factly. Ouch.
The cutest thing though is that Jamie often wants to sleep with Connor. The success of this, recorded above, is very rare. Usually Connor can't settle down and stop talking so eventually we move him, which angers Jamie, who blames both us and Connor. For his part Connor doesn't much care for it. I suspect he realizes that Jamie has woobie-ized him a bit because he is impatient with the degree to which Jamie wants him to be merely present so he can go to sleep, whereas Connor wants to have some silliness. Sometimes, in moments of real frustration Jamie claims to want his own room, but the fact of the matter is he's pretty dependent on having the bunny in there with him and has admitted it a couple of times.
When we travelled to NY of course, they each wanted to sleep in a bed with us, which means in the end, not a lot of sleep for the adult. I think sleeping with Connor is worse. First of all he snores. Secondly, he has some absolute magnet to whoever he is sleeping with so you end with about 1/8 of the bed and a snoring child pressing his pointy little elbows in your rib cage.
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