One of the current catchphrases around the house these days is "Seriously??" or "Are you serious??", both uttered with looks of utter skepticism at things they dislike.
But seriously, we have two very silly boys. This is sort of their defining personality trait I think. Jamie likes to claim that he is the silliest person in our family and very frequently asks Sarah who makes her laugh the most (guess what he wants the answer to be). Our main disciplinary issue with the two of them is simply trying to control the silly, and indicate that there are just a very few times (dinner!!) when we need them to be a little serious.
But of course they know that, it's just that they conceive of the times for seriousness differently. For instance, as this picture from our trip to New York shows, they take Lego catalogs **very** seriously. As they are doing on the train out to Westchester, they can both pore over those catalogs literally for hours, looking at them in the greatest possible, almost microscopic, detail.
The other day Jamie was telling Sarah about some aspect or other of Star Wars. She thought she was responding with appropriate interest, saying, "Yes...oh...I see." But finally Jamie looked up and said, with some exasperation, "Mom, you just don't take Star Wars seriously."
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