Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The good and the bad

Well, knock on wood, there is a good chance we will have sold our house very soon.

Jamie has taken this news with considerable interest. One of the main reasons for our wanting to sell has been our discomfort, and his, with the boys being two floors below us. We really can't blame Jamie for feeling a bit isolated down there. So when we told him we were probably going to get a new house he was excited. We asked if he wanted to sleep on the same floor as us and he said, "In the same room!" Well, no, but down the hall, we said, and he was pleased. But then yesterday morning he went downstairs to get dressed and suddenly we heard him crying. Not the I-want-attention drama kind of cry, but genuine tears. We asked what was the matter and he said he was sad to leave the sky Uncle Steo painted on his ceiling and the tree Nonni and Daddy painted on his wall. Poor little guy gets very attached to things, and his room is pretty cute.

Meanwhile, in other news, Connor NEVER stops talking now. Never.


Nonni and Diddy said...

I'm sure you told him we'd bring Burnam Wood to Dunsinane if he likes!

Unknown said...

or decorate his new room in his new house in an Obama-change-is-good kinda way...

Unknown said...

You're both right. "Yes we can!" I told him.

Unknown said...

So sweet! He'll be so excited when the time comes!