Monday, September 1, 2008

Nothing but Star Wars...

An epochal event has taken place this weekend as Jamie has seen Star Wars for the first time. You may remember there was some discussion about it before Mommy went to France. He brought it up again the other day and asked if we could watch when he was 5. Sure, I said. There was then a brief pause and he said, "Can we watch it a little sooner?!" So, I ordered it in Netflix and we've been watching it all weekend. Jamie really likes it. Tops are the "Light Savers" scenes and second are scenes with blasting, especially where "Luke almost falls in the cavern."

He asks all kinds of detailed questions, many of which are difficult to answer in any simple way, but most of them concern good guys, bad guys, and the details of Darth Vader. Because he heard of Star Wars at the same time as PowerRangers and Transformers, he thinks that the individual characters are each a Star War. He is, of course, very fond of R2D2 and also not clear about what it is that C3PO, whom he refers to as "R2D2's golden friend", does exactly. He is also curious about Chewbacca's role. At the end of the movie, when they are all walking down to get the medals Jamie asked of Chewie "Why is that dog-like Star War walking with them?"


Beth said...

Have you seen this?

3-year-old explains Star Wars

Unknown said...

Ooh. I need to let Liam see it, too. Good idea.