Yep, we've got it. Jamie and Connor seemed to be dozing off last night but when push came to shove neither was asleep. There then ensued an hour or so of trying to get them to be quiet so Sarah could sleep for work. I was actually dozing off, might have fallen asleep, but they kept coming in with various and sundry complaints, which in the end boiled down to the fact that it was 3:00 pm in Houston and there was no way they were sleeping. After a while neither was I so. So I got up with them and after trying to quiet them down by joining them in bed, we variously read, played video games, ate, etc. until I began sense some tiredness. So then I went through the usual bedtime routine: cereal, bathroom, reading books, them reading in bed and lights out. I left them about 3:30 Rome time and went to bed, and heard nothing else. So they fell asleep right on time. Houston time that is.
Alas, Sarah had to get up and go early, which meant that she was tired and that we all slept late which won't help things tonight. I didn't really have any sense of anything, except that this time at some point Jamie crawled in bed with me, until noon again. Sigh. But tomorrow we're determined to get up and go to the Colosseum with Sarah and 9 so maybe that will help, even if it makes for a tired day.
It took a long time to get rolling today, which was as well because of the heat. Sarah got them both a toy to make up for the trauma of the barber experience, and we set off in the late afternoon for Trastevere. We took an absolutely packed bus, which neither boy appreciated and then toured around the old Jewish ghetto, which is lovely, stopping to get a gelato on the way. Saw some lovely ruins, then across the Tevere to Trastevere. This was beautiful and we eventually stopped for a dinner and then walked around a bit. Things eventually broke down when Connor developed a stomach ache. He was also very tired, so I ended up carrying him the entire way back to the apartment, with help from a bus. As of this writing, he is asleep and Jamie is decidedly not. What will tonight hold? Who could say, but it's great to be in Rome!