We had a great Christmas vacation with lots of time with the boys. It was a bit of an adventure at times. Sarah's parents flew in a couple of days before Christmas and arrived to see Connor with a freshly shaved head. Poor little guy had gotten a case of head lice, which has apparently been rampant in the schools this year. He had so much hair that it quickly became clear that shaving was the only real option. He was apprehensive at first but actually adapted surprising quickly. The first picture is actually a few days later and the one of him sleeping is from two nights ago, but you get a sense of the look.
The only thing he really didn't like was the nickname he acquired. On Christmas Eve we had a traditional Eastern European meal of pierogies and kielbasa. Well, little Connor got a serious eating on. He always likes the meat but he started really stuffing the piergoies in as well. Somehow, sitting there munching pierogies, with his bald head and light skin and blue eyes, his Polish heritage really became visible so we started calling him "Stashu" and it stuck. It just comes off the tongue easily when you see him these days. Too easily, in fact, because you really can't say it within earshot or you will earn an angry look and an assertive "I'M NOT STASHU!!!" Fair enough. We're willing to respect this since he still lets us call him Bunny.